The Guys: On The Transition
This is a transcript of one of my favorite sessions. Hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
Understanding the core components of "The Transition" as a game.
When you make a choice that you want to play a transitional game, then it behooves you to understand what the core components of the Transition game are.
The Transition game's entire reason for being is to support you in remembering your divinity. In the process of remembering your divinity, what comes along with that package is that this is a co-created universe. There is no conceivable way you can do anything alone. It is impossible to do anything alone. There’s no degree of mastery that you can acquire within the body that would allow you to have any kind of experience alone. It’s not possible.
When a Swami sits in meditation in India, he sits on the earth, breathing air, using his body. None of these things can be done alone. He cannot hold the earth in place in order for him to do his darshan in the countryside, alone. Something is creating the context within which he can take his individual body. The whole construct of three-dimensional space and time, the entire earth environment of chair, legs, clothes, weather must be created by someone. He doesn’t go off alone into the ether back to his non-point of origin. He maintains his solitude within the context of the constructs and confines of three-dimensional space with time and holds onto the context of his body. When you’re talking about the context he’s in, it’s a context that cannot be done by one person.
The massiveness of the dimensional construction that acts as a backdrop to whatever game you’re playing in three-dimensional space with time is a co-created effort the likes of which you cannot even conceive of within the finite brain matter that you operate with. There is not a single thing that can be considered an experience in the body as you know it or would describe it that you can do alone. It is so not possible that it is ludicrous to even consider that you can do it alone. From our vantage point. The more you understand how dependent you are on all the cooperative forces that allow you to do what you pretend to be doing, which is being off having a solitary experience, the more you understand the massive nature of the support that you have, even for the no-brainer things that you do like going to the toilet, the easier it will be to realize that if something really needs to happen it’s going to happen. It’s not up to you.
From that vantage point, it really starts to focus on the difference that the game you’re playing makes.
When you’re playing the hierarchical game, you’re going to ignore all of that because the point of the hierarchical game is that all of this is here, you’ve been thrust into this environment and into this situation, because it’s a school. And you’re going to school because you’re stupid. The only way you’re going to stop being stupid is to figure out how to do things right. So, sit up straight, pay attention, and don’t be such a schmuck. That’s the synopsis of the course of the hierarchical game if we’re going to put it into game/course form.
To exit the hierarchical game really means that you get the opportunity to stop pretending that there’s any validity or value to that precept. You get to replace it with what makes sense to you and augment it with whatever information is relevant, now that you’re looking at this. There are all kinds of things that we’ve pointed out along the way. One glaring one is the pretense that there is an absolute criteria for everything.
Start with what is relevant and reasonable, that you can decipher on your own, within the transition. When you start with your own experience, there is no criteria for anything that is absolute that has ever shown itself to be absolute within any experience that you have ever had, ever. So, you can let go of that. And once you’ve let go of that, you’re letting go of the other things that have been self evident but you haven’t been allowed to look at because they would inhibit your ability to play the hierarchical game. Then you’re in a territory where you’re more receptive to more relevant information, and that’s kind of where we come in. Okay, so here’s the new premise and here’s the new information that you can already build on.
There’s a book that Ava owns called something like, “Madrigal's Keys to Spanish.” The whole premise of the book is that English and Spanish are very similar in a lot of ways. There are a lot of Spanish words that are so similar to English words that you can make sense of them without knowing a single thing about Spanish. The entire book is based on that premise. Here’s what you know about English and here it is in Spanish. Well, that’s not necessarily going to make you good at Spanish, but it will help you have confidence in what you already know so that you are confident enough to build on things rather than having to think that you’re starting from scratch and you have to learn everything. It basically goes in and says, “Hey, you’re not as dumb as you think you are, you already know all of this. You just didn’t realize that it was relevant.”
That’s what we’re kind of saying, “Hey, you’re not as dumb as you think you are about the transition, you already know all of this, and all of this is really relevant. Here’s what else is relevant.”
Being in that space you’re in right now and checking who it is that you are and how it is that you are, the process of learning who to trust and what to trust instead of what you were taught to trust in the hierarchical game, is part of that shift as well. In the hierarchical game, the universe and the divine are kind of squished into a concept of God, into this little god-critter. This god critter is made in the likeness of man. So, this god critter is unpredictable, temperamental, etc. You can really piss him off so watch it. This god critter is critical and he’s trying to be benevolent but you’re such an idiot that you’d better not push it because you can push this god critter off the edge. If you push this god critter over the edge, he’s going to come back and bite you in the ass big time. Interesting, isn’t it? That’s a short-hand version of the Old Testament, wouldn’t you say?
There is an article on Gnosticism that suggests that since man created the image of god, god ought to worship man rather than the other way around.
That’s a nice twist. When you move into the transition and you start being able to look at that likeness, that image and likeness of god, and really see it as just a fun house mirror reflection of man, then you’re free to start looking around to see what the real power is. It obviously isn’t this puppet. That’s going to alter what you’re thinking of as being worth your trust. Then, the trust issue comes on the table and you really start being able to look at it.
Now, we have very consistently and deliberately tried to make a distinction for people between faith and trust. We encourage people to drop the idea of faith, within this process of the transition, as having any legitimate value. Faith is really taking you into an area of vulnerability and confusion. Whereas, trust can take you onto some solid ground and territory because there is enough information gathered, while you were pretending not to pay attention, that allows you to know what is actually going on, and what you can and cannot trust. It’s really just a matter of focusing on it. When we talk to people in terms of trust, we’re not saying trust us, we’re going to give you all this new information and this information is now the truth. Everything you’ve learned before is bogus, so follow us. We’re not saying that.
We’re basically saying, haven’t you noticed that there’s no absolute criteria for anything? And, haven’t you noticed that the game that you’ve been playing has encouraged you to believe that there’s an absolute criteria for everything?
Starting with that kind of a simplistic place, you’re really looking at an inner awareness that says: .... “Hey, I know that. I’ve been pretending not to know that and I’ve been working around the obvious, trying to make sense of things that don’t really make sense. But I’ve always known that that was true. I’ve noticed that there’s no rhyme or reason to success in the way that society defines it. Meaning, in school, they told me that if I studied hard and did this, I would get good grades. The good grades would get me this, that, or the other thing. And when I got this, that, or the other thing, then this, that, or the other thing would naturally follow. I’ve noted, however, that that’s not consistently true. That’s true for some people, but it’s not true for everyone. If I were to tally who that works for and who it doesn’t work for, it weighs more heavily in the 'it-doesn’t-work' than in the 'it-works'. I’ve noticed that the people who make the most money in Hollywood are not necessarily the most talented. I’ve noticed that the people who wield the most power in terms of corporate America are not necessarily the people that do best with power nor have the most smarts nor are the most competent. I’ve noticed that how much money you have doesn’t mean you’re secure financially."
Basically, we can take the most mundane parts of everyday life and prove to you by your own standards that there is something else working here that makes much more sense to you than what you’re being told is working here. What is working here that makes sense to you is actually trustworthy because it’s consistent. Once you start looking for the consistencies, they’re everywhere. Whereas, what you’ve been told is consistent, once you look for the consistencies, they’re hardly anywhere.
Basically, if you give yourself permission to look at reality exactly the way that it is, in and of itself that process of looking at it, proves that there is divine energy at work, co-creating with you and supporting you in every conceivable way. We can show that through the bad-mouthing that disease and hardship has gotten, because you know how many people have said, “Cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me,” “That accident was the best thing that ever happened to me,” “The divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me,” “Losing a limb was the best thing that ever happened to me,” “Having this, that, or the other happen, losing my job, was the best thing that ever happened to me,” etc.
Society says that these are all tragedies and to be avoided. Makes no sense. The fact that spirit works to support people to grow into change and move toward authenticity in themselves through catastrophe, wholly and specifically orchestrated catastrophe makes sense. There’s a hand at work here. How many stories have you heard about people who are utterly creative in the most accomplished way, meaning that they have world acclaim, like Beethoven and Mozart in terms of the most acclaimed musicians, the most acclaimed artists, the most acclaimed writers, the most award-winning anything, who are sources of creative inspiration, will say, “I didn’t do that. I wrote that but I didn’t think that. That came through me. All I did was copy it down. I heard it in my head over and over and finally had to write it down. I don’t know where it came from. Suddenly, it was there in one package.”
It doesn’t matter what piece of life you go into, if you look at it clearly and cleanly and openly outside of the rules that you were told to observe with, you will see, with no doubt in your mind, that there is spirit at work in everything, that there is no such thing as a solo effort., there’s no such thing as a mistake, there’s no such thing as a problem, that there’s no such thing as something run amuck.
It is only difficult to see spirit at work if you try to fit your observations into a box that society has told you it should fit into. The point is that the box is already open. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to see the divine at work. It’s really just a matter of knowing that the divine is at work and figuring out what the point is here. If the divine is doing all this, what does it need you for? What’s the point of you? Who needs me for what?
Need is not an appropriate word here. What is the point of this co-creation?
What we’re saying is that the universe is 100% for you and 0% against you. It’s here helping you, creating for you a construct that is so intricate and so complex so that you can come here and be a part of this. The question is, what part do you want to play?
Think about this. You’re a rich parent and have all the money in the world. You’re a nice guy, crazy about your kids. You’re going to buy them, create for them, a playhouse, a play territory, a play land. And then you’re going to set them loose. What’s going to happen to them? (they’re going to play around and mess around, try this and try that, takes things apart, put things together, do the things that are most fun, start ignoring the things that are not as fun for them, and in the process discover themselves.) There you go. That’s the closest picture that you can get. Do you see how that just made perfect sense for you?
Think of the universe as creating earth and then, here you go, have at it. What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? What’s fun here? What’s not fun here? Can you see that the container is so safe, because the universe, like this wonderful, benevolent, interested, rich daddy is watching you. He’s not going to let anything happen to you here that isn’t part of the game. So, if you get together with a few other boys and start playing Cowboys and Indians, (Bang, bang, you’re dead, and you fall over), do you think that your father would come in and snatch you out of there and say, “No! Don’t feel that, that’s terrible!”? No. He’ll let you go play. If you want to go bang bang, you’re dead, he’ll let you go bang bang, you’re dead until you’re tired of it, then you can go and do something else. Feel that?
Indian scouts playing Cowboys and Indians may come across something that they don’t know what it is. It’s intriguing. It might be useful. What do they do? They determine whether or not the interest and intrigue in it is going to be enough to make room for it in their pack. They’re not carrying very much, so they pick up a lot of stuff. After a while, it starts to get crowded and they start saying, “I don’t know, I’m picking up a lot of stuff and I don’t have much room anymore. I don’t want to carry around all this stuff, so I’m going to start weeding through this and take another level of discerning look to see what it is that I might want to give my energy, my space, and my time to.
Right now, it looks like the most useful visual for you in order to understand what there is to trust, who there is to trust, and how there is to trust, is this playground territory. You’ve got the entire universe supporting you. It’s basically constructed this whole thing in order for you to have your little playground.
The universe is going, “Need anything else? Got enough to keep you busy?”
Then you go, “Well, I want a partner.”
“Nah, not yet. You have enough to keep you busy here for a while.”
Then, something else might be going on where your soul is watching over you going, “Hey, this is getting interesting, you know, you’re developing quite a relationship skill here. Let’s see if that will take you anywhere. We’re going to throw you a potential partner over here and see how you feel about that..”
It’s like, “Do you need another shovel over here, do you need some dirt or something else over here to build that sand castle you’re building over here. Let’s see if there’s anything in there.” Feel that?
It’s just play time.
Thanks, Ava. I love your blog. Good to hear what the guys are saying again.
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